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I. Basic Information 基本情况Yaodu District, located in the southern part of Shanxi Province and the central region of Linfen City, is bordered by Fushan County to the east, Puxian, Xiangning, and Jixian counties to the west, Xiangfen County to the south, and Hongtong County to the north. Covering an area of 1,307.39 square kilometers, Yaodu governs 14 townships, with a resident population of 960,000. As the only municipal district in Linfen, it serves as the city’s political, economic, and cultural center.尧都区位于山西省南部、临汾市中部,东临浮山县,西与蒲县、乡宁县、吉县为界,南与襄汾县接壤,北与洪洞县毗连,总面积1307.39平方公里。辖4乡、10镇,常住人口96万,是临汾市唯一的市辖区,是临汾市的政治、经济、文化中心。

Rich in history and culture, Yaodu District is surrounded by the Taiyue Mountain to the east, the Lvliang Mountain to the west, and the Fenhe River flowing through the central basin. Over 4,300 years ago, Emperor Yao established his capital here, making the area one of the cradles of Chinese civilization. Throughout history, it has produced many notable figures and cultural achievements, such as the Yang She family of Jin State, and the renowned generals Wei Qing and Huo Qubing of the Western Han Dynasty. The Pingyang woodblock New Year pictures and the local traditional operas have been inherited for over 1,000 years. The district also boasts three Yuan dynasty theaters and prestigious gongs and drums performance, which are famous across the country. Over 50 cultural heritage sites, including Yao Temple, Emperor Yao’s mausoleum, Linfen Tower, and Dayun Temple, as well as scenic spots such as the China Gate, Ornamental Column, Longzi Temple, Xiandonggou, Tianshou Mountain, and Wohu Mountain, contribute to its rich cultural heritage.尧都区历史厚重、人文荟萃。太岳雄峙于东,吕梁绵延其西,汾水于盆地中央穿境而过,早在4300多年前,陶唐氏建都于此,为华夏文明源头之一。历史上人才辈出,文化灿烂,晋国世族羊舌氏、西汉名将卫青、霍去病等名载青史;平阳木版年画孕于隋唐、兴于金元、盛于明清,金元北曲杂剧盛行,今存元代戏台3座,威风锣鼓誉享全国。境内现有尧庙、尧陵、大钟楼、大云寺等文物及华门、华表、龙子祠、仙洞沟、天寿山、卧虎山等风景名胜区50余处。

Yaodu District enjoys four distinct seasons and is known for its cotton and wheat production. The region’s topography, characterized by “two mountains and one river,” includes a variety of landforms, such as mountains, hills, terraces, and plains, with 50% mountainous areas, 10% hilly terrain, 10% terraced land, and 30% plains. It supports the cultivation of 13 types of grain crops, such as wheat and corn, over 20 types of commercial crops, including cotton and vegetables, and 9 types of commercial trees, including walnuts, apples, and peaches, covering an area of 700,000 mu.尧都区四季分明、棉麦之乡。全区呈现“两山夹一川”地形,拥有山地、丘陵、台地、平原等多种地貌,其中山地50%、丘陵10%、台地10%、平原30%。全区种植小麦、玉米等粮食作物13种,棉花、蔬菜等经济作物20余种,核桃、苹果、桃等经济林木9种,农作物面积70万亩。The district is rich in resources, with abundant mineral reserves. Proven minerals include coal, iron, limestone, and gypsum, among others. The coal-bearing area spans 258 square kilometers, with 1.1 billion tons of reserves and an annual production capacity of 14.7 million tons, making it one of China’s top coking coal bases. The district also has proven reserves of 90 million tons of iron ore, prospective reserves of 200 million tons, 230 million tons of industrial limestone, 300 million tons of gypsum, and 30 million tons of refractory clay.尧都区资源丰富、物产丰饶。全区矿藏储量丰沛,已探明有煤、铁、石灰岩、石膏等矿产38种,其中含煤面积258平方公里,保有资源储量11亿吨,年产能1470万吨,是全国优质焦煤基地之一;铁矿探明储量9千万吨,远景储量2亿吨;工业石灰岩储量2.3亿吨;石膏储量3亿吨;耐火粘土储量3千万吨。Yaodu District benefits from a strategic location and convenient transportation. The district is well-connected with a comprehensive road network, including the Daxi passenger transport and Tongpu railway running through the north and south, as well as the Jing-Kun and Qing-Lan expressways. The total road mileage in the area exceeds 1,840 kilometers. Yaodu Airport offers 27 routes to major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. The urban area is easily accessible, with all locations reachable within 15 minutes.尧都区区位优越、交通便利。尧都区路网便捷,大西客运、同蒲铁路纵贯南北,京昆、青兰高速公路十字交错,全区公路通车里程1840公里;尧都机场已开通27条航线,分别通达北京、上海、广州、深圳等节点城市。市区实现15分钟快速通达各地。

Yaodu District is open, inclusive, and dynamic. As the center of Linfen’s economic transformation and development, the district features quite a few provincial and municipal creative spaces. In addition, the district has fully transitioned to green electric public transportation, with all buses and taxis now operating with zero emissions.尧都区开放包容、富有活力。尧都区是临汾转型发展的主战场,拥有多家省级、市级众创空间,公交车、出租车全部实现绿色电动替换,率先实现市区公共交通“零排放”。

II. Major Attractions  著名景区Yao Temple尧  庙

Yao Temple, a sacred site for both emperors and Chinese people at home and abroad to honor Emperor Yao, has a history spanning over 1,700 years. It is a ancestral temple for Chinese people that embodies rich cultural heritage and the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization. Located on Qinshu South Road in Yaodu District, Linfen City, it is part of the “Three Holy Temples” in China, dedicated to commemorating the ancestors Yao, Shun, and Yu. The temple is a national AAAA-level scenic spot. With its vast scale and magnificent architecture, Yao Temple is the largest of its kind in China, covering 53,336 square meters and featuring more than 100 halls. Originally built during the Jin Dynasty, the temple has expanded over the centuries. Notable visits to the temple include those by Emperor Kangxi, Emperor Guangxu, and Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty.历朝历代国君祭祀帝尧和海内外炎黄子孙寻根祭祖的圣地——尧庙,距今有1700多年历史,是一座集纳丰富历史文化和五千年文明史的国祖庙,是中国纪念尧、舜、禹三位先祖的庙宇,民间俗称“三圣庙”,位于临汾市尧都区秦蜀南路,是国家AAAA级景区。规模面积之阔、建筑之雄伟,历为全国尧庙之首,尧庙占地面积53336平方米,有殿宇100余间,始建于晋,历代修建,规模渐增,清康熙帝和光绪帝以及慈禧太后都曾御驾临此。

Main Scenic Spots in Yao Temple  尧庙主要景点Road of Dragon and Phoenix: The central axis of the temple, known as the “Road of Dragon and Phoenix,” is a 300-meter pathway adorned with intricate dragon and phoenix patterns, leading from the entrance to Guangyun Hall. Both dragons and phoenixes were totems in the Yao era and are considered auspicious symbols of the Chinese nation, making this path the most auspicious in China.龙凤之脉:尧宫甬道中间由龙凤图案刻制的中轴线叫“龙凤之脉”,从大门开始一直通到广运殿,长达300米。龙和凤均为尧时期的图腾,也是中华民族最古老的吉祥标志,这里的龙凤之脉就是中国最吉祥的龙凤通道。Yimen (Gate of Etiquette): In ancient times, those wishing to pay homage to Emperor Yao were required to enter Yimen with full ceremonial dignity. The gate signifies the importance of respecting tradition, where visitors would dress up their crowns and move forward respectfully.仪门:“仪门”就是礼仪之门。古时拜谒和祭祀帝尧的人,凡到此处,心须“整冠弹尘,端庄仪表”,然后恭恭敬敬的严肃前行。Wufenglou (Five Phoenix Tower): Built during the Qianfeng period of the Tang Dynasty, Wufenglou is over 1,300 years old. Standing at 19.3 meters with three stories and twelve eaves, the tower is said to have been a place where Emperor Yao and his ministers would overlook the landscape. The name “Wufenglou” comes from the legend of Emperor Yao and his four ministers being referred to as “five phoenixes.” Behind the tower is Yaojing Pavilion, where a well, believed to have been dug by Emperor Yao himself, provides cool and drinkable water.五凤楼:始建于唐代乾封年间,距今已有一千三百多年的历史。楼高十九点三米,三层十二檐。据说,尧王常同他的四个大臣登楼远眺,而当时人们又把他和他的四位大臣喻为“五凤”,并有“一凤升天,四凤齐鸣”之说。“五凤楼”之名便由此而来。五凤楼的后面有尧井亭,尧井亭中水井,相传为帝尧亲手所掘,井水清冽可饮。Guangyun Hall: Also known as Yao Palace, Guangyun Hall was the venue where Emperor Yao summoned his ministers to discuss state affairs. With a history of over 1,300 years, the hall is supported by 42 gold-painted pillars, each 18 meters high, with beautifully carved stone foundations, and the lifelike relief carvings of lions, qilins and various flowers. The main hall houses a 2.8-meter statue of Emperor Yao, accompanied by four statues of his ministers, each responsible for law, sacrifice, astronomy, and agriculture.广运殿:亦称尧宫,是召见众臣共商国事的地方,也是庙内的主体建筑。始建于唐显庆三年,距今已有一千三百多年的历史。高18米的42根金柱直通上层檐下。柱下石质柱础雕刻精美,浮雕狮子、麒麟栩栩如生,各式花卉争奇斗妍。大殿龛内,有高达二米八的唐塑尧王和分管法律、祭祀、天象及农业的四位大臣。Bedchamber: Built during the Tang Linde period (AD 664), the Bedchamber houses statues of Emperor Yao and his wife, Luxiannv (Deer Fairy). According to legend, Emperor Yao met Luxiannv during a visit to Xiandonggou, and their wedding took place in the Luxian Cave. This had made Chinese people in later generations call their wedding room as Dongfang (Cave Room).寝宫:尧的寝宫始建于唐麟德年间(公元664年),宫内供奉着帝尧与其夫人鹿仙女的塑像。传说帝尧定都平阳不久,去仙洞视察民情,巧遇鹿仙女,双方相爱,择日成婚。成婚之处就在鹿仙洞。成婚那夜,对面山峰红光照射,状如蜡烛。此后,人们把帝尧与夫人成婚的山洞称之为“洞房”,世上才有了洞房花烛夜之说,所以华夏儿女成婚之居皆称为“洞房”。Ancient Cypress Trees in Yaogong: Around Yaojing, four ancient cypress trees stand, each with its own legend. The two cypresses on the west are called “Bai Bao Qiu” and “Bai Bao Huai,” named after their unique appearance, where bougainvillea blooms among the cypress branches in spring. The cypress “Bai Bao Huai” was transplanted from Ci En Temple in Xi’an over 600 years ago. On the east side, the two cypresses are named “Ming Lu Bai” and “Night Laughing Bai,” the latter of which is known for making a rustling sound on New Year’s Eve, resembling human laughter.尧宫古柏:尧井四周有四棵沧桑的古柏,西侧这两棵为“柏抱楸”和“柏抱槐”,即柏树中又长出一棵楸树和槐树。柏抱楸,每年四五月间,柏枝丛中盛开红色楸花,游人无不称奇。柏抱槐据传是600多年前从西安慈恩寺移植而来,每逢夏初,柏树从中槐花盛开,芳香四溢,甚为可观。东侧这两棵古柏,一棵叫“鸣鹿柏”,一棵叫“夜笑柏”。传说唐代在寝宫雕塑帝尧与夫人鹿仙女的圣像时,突然跑来一对梅花鹿在柏树下欢蹦鸣叫,故称此树为“鸣鹿柏”。“夜笑柏”每年除夕夜晚,此柏便发出沙沙之声,颇似人的笑声。Ancestor Worship Hall: In this hall, Chinese people pay homage to their common ancestors—Yao, Shun, and Yu. It enshrines the memorial tablets of the descendants of these three figures, representing a vast array of Chinese surnames. This hall offers visitors a chance to connect with their ancestral roots, culture, and spiritual heritage.祭祖堂:中国人自古以来有崇拜祖先的美德,尧舜禹是中华民族共同的祖先。尧庙祭祖堂是炎黄子孙祭祀先祖的殿堂,供奉着尧舜禹君臣后裔姓氏牌位,涵盖了千家姓大部分。在祭祖文化堂我们可以了解自己的先祖,知道自己的根脉,寻到血缘之根,精神之魂和根祖文化之源。Yao Mausoleum尧帝陵

Emperor Yao, surnamed Yi and also known as Fang Xun, was the son of Emperor Ku, the brother of Emperor Zhi, and the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor. At the age of 16, he ascended to the throne and established his capital in Pingyang (modern-day Linfen, Shanxi).帝尧姓伊,名放勋,为帝喾之子,帝挚之弟,黄帝的曾孙,他13岁辅佐帝挚,受封于陶,15岁又封于唐,为唐侯,故号陶唐氏。16岁时即天子位,定都平阳(山西临汾)。

The Yao Mausoleum is a circular structure surrounded by lush cypress trees, often referred to as the “God Forest.” It faces south, with an area of 13,500 square meters. The tomb, made of loess, rises 50 meters in height and has a circumference of 300 meters.

尧帝陵位于临汾市尧都区,尧帝陵坐北朝南,背依古崖,面濒涝水,占地面积1.35万平方米。墓冢园形,为黄土堆积,高50米,周长300米,四周有古柏葱茂,俗称“神林”The existing structures at the Yao Mausoleum include a mountain gate, a memorial archway, and a stele pavilion, along with 28 annex buildings such as wing rooms, worship rooms, ancient kilns, and watchtowers. There are also 19 steles and stone carvings at the site.陵区现存古建筑山门、牌坊、碑亭为一轴线,左右两侧建有厢房、耳房、献殿、古窑、看楼等附属建筑28间,现存碑碣石刻19通。Legend has it that upon Emperor Yao’s death, the people mourned deeply. As part of the funeral rites, the people placed earth on his tomb, which eventually formed a mountain, becoming the tallest mausoleum among China’s ancestral tombs.据传,帝尧逝世,万民悲泣,送葬之日,人们从四面八方为陵丘上捧上一把土,竟积土成山,成为三皇五帝中最高大的陵丘。Laoju River Park  涝洰河生态景区

With its beautiful environment and pleasant scenery, Laoju River Park is an ideal place for citizens to relax and enjoy leisure activities. The overall planning concept of this ecological project focuses on river regulation, expanding the landscape water surface, and creating five lakes. Parks and commercial areas will be built around these lakes, forming six parks with distinct functions and characteristics. The basic layout is described as “three rivers, five lakes, and six parks.” Currently, Longwan Park, Fusheng Park, and Runzhou Park have been completed and are operational.涝洰河生态景区环境优美,景色宜人,是市民休闲、娱乐的好去处。涝洰河生态建设工程总体规划思路为:围绕河道治理,局部放大景观水面,形成五大湖泊。围绕湖面根据需求打造公园及商业,构筑不同功能、特色各异的六大园区,形成“三河五湖六园”的基本格局。目前,龙湾园、福胜园、润州园已建成运营。

Longwan Park: Named after the river’s winding path, which resembles a dragon, Longwan Park is the first landscape park established, aiming to set a precedent for future developments. The park covers an area of 109.72 hectares and features 192 species of trees.龙湾园:因洰河的河道蜿蜒盘旋,像一条巨龙,而它的河道正像龙的身段而命名。同时这里是我们打造的第一个景观园区,希望它起到龙头带动作用,因此取名为“龙湾园”。龙湾园占地109.72公顷,种植有树木192种。Fusheng Park: Situated along the runoff of the Juhe River, Fusheng Park is named after the Fusheng Temple within the park. The park spans 946,800 square meters and embodies three main cultural themes: fortune, bridge, and flowers. It highlights the blessing culture through the Fusheng Temple and Nursing Home, showcases architectural bridge culture with three sets of nine miniature bridges, and celebrates cherry blossoms by planting various types of cherry trees.福胜园:福胜园位于洰河的径流中,因园内有福胜寺而得名。总占地面积94.68万平方米。福胜园主要传扬三种文化:福文化、桥文化、花文化,依托福胜寺和养老院,打造展现祈福文化;用三组九座微型桥来展示桥的建筑文化;以栽植的不同樱花来展示樱花特色。Runzhou Park: Located at the confluence of two rivers, Runzhou Park is designed as a wetland sightseeing area. Artificial wetlands are incorporated into the landscape to combine ecological functions with aesthetic appeal. The park aims to create a natural ecological space with green landscapes, water features, and a people-centered focus. It is divided into seven zones: the public exhibition area, waterfront demonstration area, lakeside leisure area, rain garden area, wedding garden area, ecological conservation area, and ecological island area.润州园:润州园位于两河交汇处,园区总体定位于湿地观光区,通过设计建造人工湿地,将湿地系统的处理功能与景观艺术结合在一起,旨在打造以绿为体、以水为魂、以人为本的自然式生态园林。整个园区有七个分区:公共展示区、滨水演绎区、湖滨休闲区、雨水花园区、婚庆花园区、生态保育区、生态岛屿区。

III. Key Enterprise    所辖重点企业

Shanxi Huade Smelting & Casting Co., LTD.山西华德冶铸有限公司

Founded in 2007, Shanxi Huade Smelting & Casting Co., Ltd. is a Sino-German joint venture specializing in metallurgical casting. Located in the Dayang High-End Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park, the company spans a total area of 157,000 square meters and has a registered capital of 30 million yuan.山西华德铸造集团成立于2007年,注册资金3000万元,是由山西经纬达贸易有限公司和德国METCH技术服务公司共同投资兴建的外向型合资企业,公司坐落于临汾市尧都大阳高端装备制造产业园区内,占地面积15.7万平方米。

The company is the world’s largest manufacturer of specialized excavators and forklifts, boasting an internationally oriented R&D team that leads the industry in technology, product development, design, and production. As a pioneer in green manufacturing, it is also China’s largest exporter of balanced heavy parts.  公司是全球专用机械设备挖掘机、叉车平衡重零部件的最大生产商,拥有国际视野的研发团队,引领行业技术工艺、产品开发设计生产,是行业的领军企业和绿色制造企业,是国内平衡重零部件产品最大的出口企业。Over the past 15 years, the company has evolved into a specialized manufacturer of equipment parts, integrating R&D, production, sales, and application services. Its core product categories include components for construction machinery, specialty vehicles, aerial work platforms, and agricultural machinery. The company supplies parts to globally renowned manufacturers such as Caterpillar, Toyota, Sumitomo, Hyundai, Terex, and Hyster. The company operates five production bases in Linfen, Rizhao (Shandong), Jiangsu, and other locations, with products exported to over 70 customers in more than ten countries and regions worldwide.经过15年的努力,公司已发展成为集研发、生产、销售和应用服务为一体的专用设备零部件生产企业,主导产品为工程机械、特种车辆、高空作业平台、农用机械零部件四大类,主要为美国卡特彼、日本丰田、住友、韩国现代、欧洲特雷克斯公司、海斯特等世界知名工程机械、专用机械制造商配套零部件,公司现有五大生产基地,分别位于临汾、山东日照、江苏等地,产品远销十几个国家和地区的70多个客户。




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